Public Notices

New Posting Requirements (added pursuant to new Procurement Code, dated July 15, 2022)

-Seven-Day Posting of Standardization Requests 
-Seven-Day Posting for Piggy-Backing Requests
Seven-Day Posting of Sole Source and Proprietary Purchase Requests
Five-Day Posting for Category “D” Informal Solicitation Requests
10-Day Posting for Category “E” Informal Solicitation Requests    

Download in PDF format

*    The above posting requirements are added as part of JAA’s New Procurement Code and do not include advertising requirements for formal solicitations as described in sections 2.02(N) and (Y) of the Code.

List of Public Notices
Item Number Title
Advance Aviation Pending Airline Supplemental Advertising award to Advance Aviation in a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $100,000.00. In accordance with P.Code Section 2.05(A)(14)
Advertising - R&R Pending Airline Supplemental Advertising award to R&R Partners in a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $150,000.00 for a new not-to-exceed amount of $187,475.99. In accordance with P.Code Section 2.05(A)(14)
AC2025-02 February Awards Committee Meeting Procurement Conference Room, JAA’s Admin. Bldg., 14201 Pecan Park Road, Jacksonville, FL 32218


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