Welcome to the Jacksonville Aviation Authority’s (JAA) official blog, “Jetstream.” We created it to discuss unique and interesting things happening at the four airports we manage. Quite a bit goes on behind-the-scenes that many people might not be aware of, but may find interesting.

What goes into courting new airlines to Jacksonville? Why don’t we have nonstop service from JAX to [INSERT DESTINATION HERE]? What is FOD and why is it important to keep an eye out for it on the airfield? There’s a gopher tortoise colony at Cecil Airport? Who are the artists featured in the airport terminal? What’s a glider club? You have an 18-hole Jack Nicklaus-designed golf course on airport property? Jetstream explores these topics and many more.

We mentioned that JAA manages four airports. Perhaps that’s as good a place to start as any other. Did you even know that there are four public airports in Jacksonville? Most know about Jacksonville International Airport (JAX), because they have flown from/to it. We’ll give you that one for free. But what about the other three? Cecil, Jacksonville Executive at Craig and Herlong Recreational Airports all cater to different aspects of the aviation industry. We hope to better educate readers on each airports’ role and help people better understand how the airports contribute to the economic engine that powers Northeast Florida.

Aviation is such a cool industry, but the most exposure people have with it are on those occasions when they fly for business or go on vacation. We aim to change that.

Are there any particular topics you would like us to cover? Please give us your suggestions in the comments section.