JAXEX Documents

Environmental Assessment for Non-Aviation Development at JAXEX Airport

1. Notification of Availability: Draft Environmental Assessment for Non-Aviation Development
2. CRG Non-Aviation Development FINAL EA Chapters with FONSI ROD
3. CRG Non-Aviation Development FINAL EA Appendices

Jacksonville Executive at Craig Airport Master Plan

For Broadband (High-Speed) Internet Connections Only

NOTE:   Due to the size of this file, timely download may only be possible with high speed internet connections. See links below for individual chapters and sections of the draft JAXEX Airport Master Plan.

File NameFile TypeLast UpdatedDownload Time*

JAXEXMaster Plan (Full Copy)         PDF         5/2/2008         1.5 minutes

* Download times are estimated based on 400 Mbps connection speeds.

Jacksonville Executive at Craig Airport PART 150 Study

  Download Part 150 Study


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