Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program

JAA’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) program is a race and gender-neutral program that encourages economic growth for local small businesses by providing opportunities to compete for all or portions of JAA contract awards. The SBE program endeavors to create greater access for SBEs to participate as primes as well as subcontractors on non-federally funded projects, contracts, and purchases. Under this program JAA will accept SBE certification from companies currently certified with the City of Jacksonville’s Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) program. Companies seeking certification as JSEBs will be referred to the City of Jacksonville. Companies currently certified as DBEs under the Florida Unified Certification Program (UCP) will automatically be considered certified and eligible to participate on JAA contracts and purchases as SBEs, as long as the DBE entity is located within the counties of Duval, St. Johns, Clay, Nassau and Baker.

Jacksonville Small and Emerging Businesses Program

JAA supports the City of Jacksonville’s JSEB Program, which was enacted to establish and strengthen relationships with small business owners in our community. The program helps to create a contracting environment for local small businesses whereby everyone has an opportunity to participate. JAA honors and accepts JSEB certification in support of our initiative to utilize SBEs for goods and services in our daily operations. For more information regarding the JSEB program, please visit:

JAA’s Small Business Program Summary

Primary certification types accepted by JAA:

  • DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
  • ACDBE Airport Concession DBE (rental car & non-rental car)
  • JSEB Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (City of Jacksonville)

Program Benefits:

  • Solicitation Participation Percentage Goals
  • Small Business “Set Aside” Solicitations
  • Networking and business development opportunities

Local Preference Policy

JAA has implemented a Local Preference Policy (LPP) initiative to assist with the growth and development of our local economy. Firms that qualify for this initiative will be given percentage discounts, points, and tie-breaker preference in JAA’s Procurement Department’s solicitation efforts.

In an effort to stimulate economic growth and development of local businesses and keep local resources in the community, JAA’s LPP initiative is established to encourage local businesses to participate in the competitive process for the provision of JAA’s goods and services.

Program Summary

For a summary of JAA’s LPP initiative, click here


The Jacksonville Aviation Authority (JAA) strives to make it a priority to include small, minority and women-owned businesses when seeking goods and services for its daily operation. Both Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) programs have been implemented by JAA in support of this mission.

  • DBE Video Summary Overview
  • JAA Small Business Program Summary
  • Local Preference Policy

  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Policy

    JAA has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26. JAA receives federal financial assistance from the USDOT and as a condition of receiving this assistance, JAA has signed an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26.

    JAA implements a DBE Construction Goal based upon the type and intensity of construction-related projects established for the fiscal year(s) and public input.

    Descripcion de la imagen

    DBE Goal:

    • The DBE Goal for Fiscal Years 2023-2025 is 11.83% of USDOT federally funded projects

    JAA, in accordance with 49 CFR Part 23, also provides a program for the participation of Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBE) in concession-related contracting opportunities. Separate goals are established for car and non-car rental concessions.

    ACDBE Goals:

    • The ACDBE Car Rental Goal for Fiscal Years 2023-2025 is 1.76% of total estimated car rental concessions gross receipts
    • The ACDBE Non-Car Rental Goal for Fiscal Years 2023-2025 is 18.47% of total estimated non-car rental concessions gross receipts

    Florida Unified Certification Program (UCP)

    JAA is a NON-certifying member of the Florida Unified Certification Program (UCP), administered by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which provides one-stop certification to applicants seeking DBE certification in the State of Florida. Upon obtaining DBE certification through the UCP, that certification will be honored by all UCP members and will be listed in the State of Florida’s DBE Directory. The following links to the FDOT / UCP and the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) DBE and ACDBE directories are provided for your convenience:

    Local contact for DBE/ACDBE Certification is the Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Please call JTA’s Diversity & Equity Office at 904.632.5298 or visit

    JTA DBE Program

    Meet & Greet

    Please join us to obtain information on the procurement process of doing business with JAA and upcoming bid opportunities. These sessions also provide opportunities to network with JAA Staff and other vendors.

    • Date: Every 2nd Monday of each month
    • Time: 2:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m.
    • RSVP: Required

    Please visit the following webpage for RSVP:

    or contact Yetunde Oyewole via telephone or email at 904.741.3172 / for questions or concerns.

    *Limited number of spaces available so please RSVP as soon as possible. Once you secured your space for a virtual meeting, the login details will be sent to you via email.

    Meet & Greet Summary

    For a summary of JAA’s Meet & Greet sessions, click here

    Upcoming Events

    Summary of links provided for your convenience:


    • City of Jacksonville (COJ)
    • Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA)
    • Duval County Public Schools (DCPS)
    • Jacksonville Housing Authority (JHA)
    • Jacksonville Aviation Authority (JAA)
    • Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT)
    • U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
    • Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)

    Any questions or comments regarding the above should be directed to


    Visit our airport system websites