Community Invited to Airport Open House Static Aircraft Displays, Car Show and More

The 2012 Wings ‘N’ Wheelsevent hosted by the Jacksonville Aviation Authority (JAA) and the ExperimentalAircraft Association (EAA) will take place at Jacksonville Executive at CraigAirport (JAXEX) this Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Wings ‘N’ Wheels will featurestatic aircraft displays, a car show, live entertainment, plane rides, food anda kids’ zone sponsored by the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department.

“This free event gives us theopportunity to showcase the benefits and services JAXEX brings to the Jacksonvillecommunity,” JAXEX Airport Manager Tiffany Gillem said. “As an economic engine,JAXEX annually contributes over $131 million and supports approximately 1,100jobs to our region.”

Gillem also stressed that this event was an excellentopportunity to expose aviation career opportunities to younger generations who willbe making career decisions.

Author Bruce Gambel will alsobe premiering his new book, “Swashbucklers and Black Sheep” at Wings ‘n’Wheels. It is a hardcover account of America’s famous Black Sheep squadron, ledby Major Greg “Pappy” Boyington. Gamble will not only be available to sign hisbook, but will have his restored 1967 Mustang convertible on display.

The JAA is in the midst of ayear-long celebration of its 10th anniversary as an independent agency sinceseparating from Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) in 2001. Events have beenheld at each of the Authority’s airports to commemorate this significantmilestone. Wings ‘N’ Wheels is the final event to close out a year celebratingJAA’s successes and looking forward to a future that will further benefit theentire Jacksonville community.

Parking and admission to theevent are free.

Pets and coolers are notallowed at the event.

Jacksonville Executiveat Craig Airport (JAXEX)

855 Saint Johns Bluff Road, N.

Jacksonville, FL 32225

For more information, visit, or call (904) 641.7666.


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