New security plan for JIA


Passengers at Jacksonville International Airport soon will have an alternative to waiting in long lines at airport checkpoints.

The TSA is adding JIA to the list of airports participating in its pre-check program.

Fliers who pass a background check will be able to move through a separate line at the airport and go through security faster.

They will be allowed to keep their shoes, jackets and belt on, and leave laptops and 3-ounce liquids packed in carry-on luggage.

Boarding passes will automatically come with a "pre-check" logo for participants, allowing passengers into the speedier lanes at checkpoints.

The program costs $85 for a five year membership.

TSA spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said all travelers at JIA will benefit.

"Because we'll have more people going thru expedited screening," she said.

The pre-check program is already at 40 airports nationwide.

By the end of the year, it will expand to 100 airports, including Jacksonville.



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